Quotes can be raised quickly and easily for existing and new customers alike. New customers can be entered into the system directly while taking the initial call, ensuring interactions are recorded from the very first contact
1. Click on 'Quotes'
2. Click on 'Create quote'
3. Select an exiting customer or add a new one directly.
Customers can be added straight from the create screen for future usage. Allowing direct entry when talking on the phone with a prospect. Track customer relationships from the very first contact
4. Click on 'Add customer '
5. Select the type of customer
Individual customers are typically a single premise business or person. A Company may have multiple sites, each with different job requirements.
6. Click on 'Next'
7. Enter a business email for the new customer.
This allows for quotes & invoices to be sent to a different address than the primary contact. Allowing for situations such as a site manager being the direct contact, while the accounting department receives any quotes or invoices
8. Enter a phone number for the customer
9. Enter the name of the primary contact
10. Enter the primary contact email address
11. Specify a company/individual name to address quotes and invoices to
12. Enter a billing address for the customer
13. Enter the address details of the customer
14. Enter the business number for the customer
15. Click on 'Save'
16. Confirm the customer has been added and selected for the quote
17. Select billable items applicable for the quote
18. Modify the billable item description as needed
This is what the customer will see as line items on the quote
19. Adjust the price of each line item on the quote
20. Add as many billable items as needed for the job
21. Enter any notes discussed with the customer
These notes will appear on the received quote
22. Enter any relevant internal notes
These won't appear on the received quote but are visible to internal staff to help communicate aspects of the work
23. Specify the start date the quote is prepared
This defaults to the current day and typically doesn't need to be modified
24. Specify an expiry date for the quote
25. Click on 'Save Quote'
26. Choose to send the quote immediately or save as a 'Draft'
Sometimes a quote may need internal approval before sending
27. Review the quote recipients & message content before sending
28. Click on 'Send quote'
29. Quotes can be approved (or rejected) immediately where applicable
Useful in situations when a customer decides instantly or calls back without approving the received email for any reason
30. Created quotes can be viewed from the main 'Quotes' page
The business may require internal approval before sending. The status of each can be easily monitored and approved/rejected by an authorised user