1. Help Centre
  2. Working with Jobs

Create a recurring job

Set up jobs that repeat according to your schedule. Associate with either an existing Customer invoice or create a new one entirely

1. Click on Jobs

Click on Jobs

2. Click on Create job

Click on Create job

3. Select Recurring job…

Select Recurring job…

4. Click on Create job

Click on Create job

5. Select an existing Customer, or create new...

Select an existing Customer, or create new...

6. Enter a name for the job

Enter a name for the job

7. Enter the job details

Enter the job details

8. Add any job tags

Add any job tags

9. Attach any services to the job

Attach any services to the job

10. Specify a schedule for the job

Specify a schedule for the job

11. Recurrences can be as complex as required

Recurrences can be as complex as required

12. Assign workers for the job

Assign workers for the job

13. Specify an invoice schedule…

Specify an invoice schedule…

14. Assign any materials needed for the job

Assign any materials needed for the job

15. Click on Save job

Click on Save job